10 Top Revision Tips



  1. Be organised.

Plan what you need to do, how long you’ve got to do it. Try to do this well in advance, instead of cramming all your revision in a few days before your exam. Hey, make a pretty timetable if it helps, but just don’t spend the full day making it pretty!

  1. Make notes.

How do you learn best? You might write everything in your own words, make a recording and play it back, stick post-its EVERYWHERE or just read everything multiple times.

If you don’t know how you best learn, write everything into your own words then go through your notes regularly (it should stick in your head more that way). Highlighters are useful for any stationery lovers, to highlight the most important bits of your notes or the parts you’re struggling to remember.

  1. Set targets for yourself (and stick to them).

It doesn’t haven’t to be ‘get an A*’ – set small targets every day or every few days to keep motivated.

  1. Take regular breaks.

Get a drink / go to the loo. Going out with your friends is a day / night off, not a break!

  1. Pick your study space wisely.

A desk is perfect. If you haven’t got one, the dining table might be good, but not if your little brother is playing with play-doh on it. FYI – in front of the TV is never good.

  1. Do a few past papers.

Past papers give you an idea of what you can expect in the exam – how it is structured and the kind of language or wording used in the questions. Papers tend to be similar each year, so you know what to expect if you’ve done a few already.

  1. Today is tomorrow – don’t put it off.

Don’t leave revision until tomorrow because you will run out of tomorrows. If you haven’t followed number 1 and leave everything until the night before, you will find it VERY difficult to learn everything you need to in one night.

  1. Make time to relax, away from revision.

Doing nothing but revision may send you insane, so make sure you still make time for friends, family (if you like them), sports and cinema, i.e. anything you enjoy. It’s all about finding a balance.

  1. Stay healthy.

Now is not the time to start a drastic new diet or exercise regime. Pick healthy snacks to keep you going through your revision, and keep up with your normal exercise routine or take gentle exercise to help you relax.

  1. Do your best.

Sounds obvious, but you can only do your best. Hopefully that will mean you’ve been revising for a month or so, have done a few past papers and feel a little bit confident about the exam.